Why Use Us

Save up to 50% of your existing lease.
Promote other amazing education entrepreneurs.

SpaceBoat is Safe and Secure

Safety and

We pre-screen educators before inviting them to use your premises to conduct their programs.

Stay in Control with SpaceBoat

Decision-making Control

You decide the timings, number of rooms and types of courses that can run from your location.

SpaceBoat Price Recommendations

Price Recommendation

One size doesn’t fit all. Pre-approve fee chart at time of tie-up so that you don’t have to waste time in negotiations.

SpaceBoat Operational Support

operational support

Single point of contact to handle room allocation, rescheduling, payment collection and operations.

How it Works

Easy approval process for potential SpaceUsers
Monthly reports detailing usage numbers and transaction history.

  • 01Request a meeting with SpaceBoat representative

  • 02SpaceBoat does an infrastructure assessment

  • 03SpaceBoat discusses operational details and pre-agrees a fee chart

  • 04SpaceBoat begins inviting requests from potential educators

Frequently Asked Questions
